Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Little Introduction

I should have introduced myself sooner, but I didn't think about it. As I have said in my welcoming post, this is mainly just a place for me to vent, and rant. As far as you, my readers are concerned I am Anonymous, I am a teenage girl that is just looking for an outlet. I don't always stay on one topic in my posts, but when I do, normally it is something that took a while to write. I haven't always been this open about who I am on this blog, but it is something I think will help me deal with my past a little better.
I don't need you to feel sorry for me, that will never be my goal. I just want a way for people to know the real me, and this is the easiest way for me to do that. Like most teenagers, whether they admit it or not, I'm scared. Why wouldn't I be? I'm approaching adulthood and I still don't have any plans for my life. Just the normal fears I guess, will I always have only a couple of friends, or will I have a more social life when I am in college? Will I ever find "the ONE"? All those thoughts run through my head, and this blog is for me to spill it all.

Every other week, I will be telling you, my readers, a little more about me, and about my past. Or at least that is my goal. I want to try to open up more about myself, as well as further my writing ability. I have another blog that I hope I can keep up with, it is all about my book that I am currently writing, and I would appreciate it if you would stop by and take a look here at the first couple chapters I have up. I don't think that I will publish is, until I get enough views daily on that blog. But the more feedback I get the better.
I have previously had a blog, under a similar name, however I failed  at keeping up with it. I was told by a couple people, that never even read it, that I should just give up and not bother, because people wouldn't want to read it. However, I'm back, and hoping that my reader base will expand, and I have realized that I am not writing for you, as my readers, I'm writing for me because I love to write, and I'm writing about me and my life because it is easiest for me to write, and I don't feel stressed about writing.

Thank you all who read this!


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