I'm sure everyone has heard the phrase "Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words
will never hurt you". Well most of us know that is not true, words can hurt, and sometimes
can hurt more than "sticks and stones". Physical wounds can heal, but emotional wounds take
so much longer, and usually cannot heal without help from family, friend even a therapist.
For an example I'm going to use some of my personal experiences to show you what happens
when people use words instead of fists when bullying. Sometimes even physical bullying can
leave emotional scars, scars deeper than just the bruises.
Occasionally some bullies in my class during elementary school, would push me around and make fun of me, not for any reason in particular, but almost like it was a sport. What they didn't know is that it hurt me more when they called me names, it made me feel worthless, and that is worse than anyone punching me in the gut. Due to the bullying I've endured during both elementary and middle school, I'm quiet, reserved and skittish. Not so skittish as to be afraid of everyone, there are the few people whom I trust.
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