Sometime within this last week, I decided to make a second attempt at something I have been wanting to do for a couple years at least. But I have one problem, and it has nothing to do with WHAT I want to do, it has to do with ME. The thing is, if I can’t learn something practically overnight, I get depressed and my self-confidence goes down. After all, everyone else that I know that can do the things I try to do (and normally think I fail at), can do them practically perfectly. What I forget: They have spent the majority of their life getting to where they are, most of them started when they were very young. They have put countless hours of practice into perfecting their skills. So there is no way that I can do that in two or three days, no matter how fast of a learner I am. Like with school for instance, you can “learn” a whole lot in one day, but how much of that can you do perfectly, how many questions do you get wrong in the meantime. To learn something isn’t to just magically be able to do it one day, it’s the art of being able to have patience, and understand that you WILL make mistakes, nobody's perfect, even professionals have made mistakes.
Another example, at least with me, is drawing, I have always loved to draw, and I would think I was great at it until I saw someone else’s picture, then I would just shut down and go pout. Even now I still sometimes do that, but that is a topic for another post, another day.
Back to my original thought.
I have always wanted to play guitar, so I had recently picked up my guitar that I’ve had for a few years and found an App that I thought would be able to help me. After using the app for a while I realized that there is a set amount of time that you have to be able to progress through the lessons each day, that you can’t just blow through them all unless you buy a premium account. I was frustrated at that, because I wanted to learn it all overnight, I wanted to become a perfect guitar playing in only a couple of days. I was impatient. That night I had gone to bed, when I woke up the next day, I had more time allowance on the app. When I picked up my guitar, my skills had increased a little bit. Taking a break from learning allows your brain time to process and store all the information and techniques you have learned during the course of the day.
If you just cram everything in in a short amount of time, you won’t retain anything, unless of course you are like a computer that can remember anything you put into it.
I personally think I learned at least a little bit about what patience is, and WHY we need to learn it. Patience is two things, patience is an art form, and patience is a what allows potential to become reality, everyone has potential, but only a few make their potential their reality. If you try to take a shortcut, you’ll be cut short. That’s why sometimes things that are made in a factory by the thousands, have lower quality than those things that are handcrafted and take hours to complete.
You can’t rush learning, and you can’t rush life.