Monday, August 3, 2015


I know most of you reading this don’t see yourself as being a selfish person, most of us don’t actually. We like to believe that we are giving and are not self-centered. However, have you ever felt like as kids your parent(s) was centering everything you did together toward what someone else wanted? Well my mom was doing that today, and I was thinking how can she and her boyfriend be so selfish as to not do something I want to do, until I noticed, that I was being selfish for expecting them to do whatever I wanted to do.

Selfishness can show up in the most irritating places, and typically it slaps us in the face when we least expect it to. Like for me, it was today. How many more times have I been disappointed because they did something THEY wanted to do, and I wasn’t involved? Well, they do that a lot, but they are adults and I’m a kid, I don’t HAVE to do everything they do. In fact I know they need time on their own, away from me. Even though I think everything should be focused around me. Even though it doesn’t, what I want isn’t MORE important than what THEY want, but it also isn’t NOT important. Sometimes I feel as though they don’t see it as important, even though I know they know it is.

Sometimes I just have to be patient and wait my turn to get my way.

Moral of the story is if you expect others to do what you want to do, you’re going to have to do something they want to do. Otherwise you are being selfish.



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